Friday, February 29, 2008

Sleeping Position II

HA-WOO!! Togo's done it again!

We thought we got his weirdest sleeping position ever, but he's not done, apparently.

The furkid was hugging daddy's furry leg and chewing his rawhide bone when suddenly he went very very quiet.

He'd drop off to sleep ...

... with the bone still in his mouth!


Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Thou shalt not trust a tyrant, even when he is making angel faces.

Thou shalt not leave a tyrant unattended with a toilet roll within reach.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sleeping Position

We frequently catch Togo is all sorts of weird sleeping position, but this has got to be THE weirdest.

I was working away at my mini table and the tyrant wriggled his way under my chair and dropped off to sleep. Like this :


I had to laugh silently so as not to wake him up. Then I slowly crawled to the camera and managed to get a few good shots.

He was sleeping like this for about half an hour!

Pee Update

Thanks everyone for the tips on the previous post. Togo has been toilet-trained early on and knows where to do his pee pee - this marking habit is new. He doesn't full on pee, just enough to stake his territory. Glad to say that he haven't attempted any more markings in the house lately.

Amber: That coke bottle tip is interesting! Unfortunately he doesn't pee at any one spot so we can't use it. I'm passing the tip on to my friends who have this problem though, the tip is just so cool!

Pee aside, here's a pic of Togo's back. We think his markings are just perfect, but then he's our boy and were sure to think the world of him. Isn't he just beautiful. :-)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Pee Wee

Togo is 8 months old today!

He's almost an adult, and he's suddenly discovered the great joy of marking his territory. He has started peeing here and there to claim his domain, including in the house! Of course he gets a good shelling when he does it inside the house, so he rarely attempts this.

Is there a correct way to break him out of this instinct?
Let me know if you do.
Togo Mommy is not enjoying mopping up pee.

Togo with his sneaky face

Monday, February 18, 2008

Being Scrat

Remember this post about Scrat (from the movie Ice Age) and Togo?

Here's another photo comparison.
We might have been rearing a squirrel all this while!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Brothers & Sisters

News: Togo's real mom and dad are proud parents of brand new litter of four puppies!

To those of you itching to kidnap Togo, here's the next best thing - his siblings! Haha, if you really want a husky and ready to give up on your furniture and garden, drop me a line at

Photos later. The kiddos haven't opened their eyes yet.

A very blur pic of baby Togo on his first day home.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Togo pretending to be an arc.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Togo Daddy is feeling loads better now, with only traces of flu left. Thanks everyone for the well wishes.

Togo is fine too, barring a few misbehaves now and then. (ok, ok, a few misbehaves a day is closer to the truth).

Togo has not been photographed much, thanks to a buzy (ok, ok, lazy) Togo Mommy. So here's an old photo of Togo in his favorite garden past time - chewing Mommy's plants.

p/s Operation Husky is well under way! Evil

p/p/s Operation Husky is run by my evil brother. Here's the full operation if you missed any.
i Stakeout
ii Flyby
iii Rescue
iv Repair Bay
v Stakeout II
vi Toxins