Saturday, January 12, 2008


Togo is not well.
He is not his usual energetic chew-everything self.

His snout is all pink, and Togo keeps clearing his nose of flam. We suspect a fever from his burning ears. A trip to the vet (and a thermometer up his you know where) confirmed the fever. The vet said it might be a sub-clinical infection from a tick - we found one on him after boarding last holidays.

Togo got two jabs and medication. He is proving to be a non-fussy medicine taker - just put it on his food and he gobbles everything up.

Get well soon, Togo.


  1. anduk si togo sakit, 1st pic dia tu nda buli bangun2 suda kekeke

  2. Oh no, Togo! We're so sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. All our very best wishes for a speedy recovery--you'll be in our thoughts!

  3. oh man! do gobble up all your medicine and get well soon k! so i can share my chew toys with you then. =)

    Lotsa licks,

  4. Hey Togo! We thought we should stop by and say "ha roo!" and now we hear you aren't feeling well! :( Please feel better soon! We'll be sending positive thoughts your way!

  5. Hey Togo, we hope you are feeling better. Sending lots of good husky vibes to you.

    Husky Hugs too! MayaMarie

  6. Oh Togo!!! We hope you get better soon!!! We are sending some healing thoughts to you!

  7. Oh no!

    We khan't have THIS!!

    You must get better SOON or I'll send Hbbb AND Summi to smoosh and skhwish woo!!!

    Wags and Wuv,


  8. woofies Togo...nice to meeteded hopies u feels better soon...dose ticks r mean....

    b safe,

  9. oh poor togo..

    i hope u will heal back veli soon...

  10. Oh Togo... Good thing you've started your medication fast. If you've contracted fever from a tick, then it's tick fever & it's very dangerous as it can make your blood levels go down. This happens all the time when you board at any place even home boarding. No guarantee you will go home tick free. That's why my hoomans always tell the owners to apply Spot On on their dogs before they board with us. Ticks are everywhere on the grass so you can't stop them jumping on you. I can see that you're taking anti-biotics & liver pills there. I'm taking the same pills as you too for my icky ringworms which are totally curing fast, thank DOG! Get well soon Togo boy...

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  11. Wooos, Togo,
    that's good tat you take your meds, they'll help you feel better fast. Darn those ticks, we have them here too & they are a real bother!
    Woos & a-rooos,
    Star & the Jack -a-roo

  12. Togo looks stoned. Hope you get well soon buddy!

  13. Poor Togo, I just hate going to the vet. Mom says I scream like a girl when they stick things in me. Hope you get better soon and don't have to go back there.

  14. Hi, Togo!
    I am sure the med will make you feel better soon!
    Good vibes for you!
    Kisses and hugs
