The blobs are 3 weeks old now, and they're beginning to crawl all over the house. Good thing Tagar and Togo keeps a good eye on them. Tagar nudges the pups back if they get out too near the front door.
Here's more pics of the blobs. We wonder how postcards with 9 cute puppies in a row are ever taken - we can't even get all four together long enough for a decent shot!

oh.. and nice pics. fatten those pups up! I'm hungry
The last pikh made us SMILE!
Gee, they are so cute! Wish i have one..
Wah, so damn cute!!!! I want one (stuffed)!
The blobs are growing up so fast! Will you be keeping them all or will they find new good homes?
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
They are furry cute. Reminds me of my blobs from last year...I mean puppies...
Mya Boo Boo
OMG...the pups are so so so cute =)
Makes me wanna run out and get one!
Wow, they sure have grown a lot - you should enter that last one in a contest - too too cute.
Woos, the OP Pack
Way too cute, Mommy had me "Fixed" so I couldn't have any, but at least I don't have to share much, they are way too cute!
-Kira, The Florida Siberian
Ohhhh.. look at the pink tummy... and those cute paws!! More photos please!!
heee.. such a happy family!
Those puppies are just the cutest!
R mommy is saying the "Ahhh precious" words specially at the last pic!!!!
Too cute!
-da boys, Cosmos & Juneau-
so cute!!
slurpy licks,
Awww.....that last pic of you and the puppy is adorable!
Butt wiggles, Meadow
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