Diva Togo especially. He greeted all visitors (which were mostly strangers to him, but our excellent un-guard dogs welcomed them all) with hugs and tail wags and big smiles, and slobbered them with excited spittle and tons of fur. Then he flipped over and demanded belly rubs from everyone.
And with that adorable face of his, Togo did get his one million and one belly rubs. Diva!
Tagar was more reserved, her ordinarily sour face getting even sourer as she was hugged and cuddled and generally manhandled. She tailed me around, hiding under my armpit. Except when anyone opens a packet of anything or is munching food. Then Tagar runs off with such speed, and sits looking at the unfortunate person with such pleading eyes that the unfortunate person almost caves in. Almost, cause Mommy is always around to make sure T&T don't eat any nonsense!

Togo & Tagar so charmed their aunts that they immediately blogged about the furries. Check out Aunt Sharini's visit and Aunt Ann's visit. =)
Please come again, everyone!
Please come again, everyone!